Sukhoi 26M 57" Red/Black/White - Super and Cheaper   Feb-2011

Wing Span:
Root Chord:
Tip Chord:
Wing Area:
Wing Loading:

Essential Features:

Radio Setup:


1,448mm (57")
2,180 grams without battery. 2,500-2,600 with battery.
With a 380gram 5S1P battery -> 60grams/dm² - medium flying!

 - Electric Powered using:
   - 15" x 8" (380 x 203) Electric prop.
   - Turnigy SK4260-500kv 1,475w outrunner - LOTS of power for this model.
3D is available! Vertical is no problem.
   - TURNIGY Plush 80A w/ UBEC Speed Controller.
   - 5S1P (3000 or more) 20c+ LiPo battery. 5.5 Minute flights with full precision
aerobatics. This usage keeps the battery safe from over-discharge.
   - No extra weight added to achieve COG. Battery adjustment used for fine tuning.

Spektrum DX7 transmitter with AR6200 receiver (full range) with
4 x BMS 621MG standard servos - very nice and quiet.
2 Multiplex Mini HD Std servos for the ailerons allowing flaperon operation.

Beautiful, large, screw-retained canopy and hatch provide massive access
to all the inner components.
Undercarriage is a little light and does not do well in a heavy landing.
The wheels could be larger when flying off grass. Wheel spats omitted because
they fill with grass!
Very solid flyer.

Click on photos for larger versions. Click on component descriptive text
to visit the
web site for a lot more detail.

February 2011 - Completed assembly of this plane and have flown a few times at Fagan Park.

5mm Prop Adaptor

15x8E Propellor

TURNIGY 4260-500kv Outrunner

Aluminium Motor Mount 110mm x 45mm

Turnigy Plush 80Amp ESC with UBEC

4 x BMS 621MG Std Servos

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