Spektrum DX6 2.4GHz Radio System
Spektrum Web Site

Spektrum's DX6 sport Helicopter system utilizes patent-pending DuaLink ™ technology to create a secure, reliable, robust 2.4GHz spread spectrum link for aircraft!

You may have heard of the phenomenal 2.4GHz Spektrum system that's become the rage for R/C car operation. Now, with some important innovations, aircraft modelers can use this fantastic technology with their park flying models and enjoy all the benefits that have made 2.4GHz spread spectrum technology such a hit for surface users.

True breakthroughs don't happen very often in the industry. Fasten your seatbelts to discover the benefits of a first-of-its-kind product certain to improve safety, convenience and reliability of R/C aircraft flight.

The Spektrum DX6 is a 6-channel computer system designed to be flown exclusively with parkflyer airplanes and micro/mini helicopters. Using 2.4GHz Spread Spectrum DSM (Digital Spectrum Modulation) technology, the DX6 system includes a nicad-equipped transmitter, a micro 7-gram AR6000 receiver, and four lightning-fast sub-micro S75 servos.

With the 2.4GHz, you can say goodbye to frequency pins, getting shot-down, or shooting someone else down for that matter. Plus, you'll never have to wait for a frequency pin again. And that's just the beginning of the benefits of operating on the 2.4GHz band.


When using this system, (which operates just like you'll never have to worry about "noise" coming from your motor or speed control (or anywhere else on your model) affecting your radio's performance. Why? It's simple. Motor and model-generated noise has no energy above 300MHz. . Your DSM system operates nearly eight times higher in the frequency range (see chart.) Fact is, you can mount your AR6000 receiver directly to any speed control. It just doesn't care and won't be affected a bit.

And because the signal is pure digital, it means that glitches are a thing of the past too. No more annoying glitches that shatter the confidence and cause you to worry about crashing. They're a thing of the past too.
Not to mention the nasty intermodulation issues that have plagued 27, 72 and 75 MHz like 2IM, 3IM and adjacent frequency. They too, can't affect DSM.

And to top if off, the equipment you see here is all solid state. There are no pots to tune, nothing to ever degrade in performance, adjust or need tuning.

Just the way a radio should be.

To understand the full benefits of the DSM system and its operation in the 2.4GHz band, it helps to review the 72MHz band we're currently flying in, and compare how the FCC rules are different between the two.
As you know, our 72MHz channels are spaced in 20Khz spacing. Our output is limited to 750mW (most manufacturers have output a lot lower than this to avoid intermodulation (inadvertent mixing of signals.) That's all fine and dandy, but FCC authorized high power industrial users to locate right in between our channels. Now, undermost situations, this isn't a big issue. Our receivers have to be very selective and sensitive to "find" our low power output signals. Normally, everything works well. But occasionally, industrial transmitters (some of these put out 50,000 Watts and more) can slip a bit off frequency. Guess who gets hit? (That said, it'd only be realistic to point out that most of us who analyze radio interference find model-generated noise is a much more common problem than high-powered industrial operators. But does it happen? Sure.)

FCC adopted a similar system with the 900MHz band - they mixed high power, narrow band users. It worked pretty well, but not perfectly. So when FCC devised the 2.4GHz rules, they set about a completely new system: they mandated that all 2.4GHz devices will transmit at less than 1 Watt. This prevents high power transmission from causing interference over great distances.

The FCC also mandated that transmitters using Spread Spectrum must have the ability to check for, and find an open frequency on the 2.4 band (there are 80 channels, spread in 1MHz spacing.) before transmitting any signal.

So when you turn on your DX6 transmitter, it scans the 2.4GHz band and picks two frequencies which show the least activity. That's right, there two frequencies used with the DX6 system. (see explanation of DuaLink technology.)

Since all devices on the 2.4GHz band are required to avoid other users (or else they wouldn't receive FCC type acceptance) there is no chance that another type of device using 2.4GHz can cause an issue with your radio. It just can't happen. They all work by the same rules.
Each Spektrum transmitter has a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) code. Binding is the process of programming the receiver to recognize the GUID of a single, specific transmitter. Binding teaches the receiver the specific GUID of that transmitter so that the receiver will only listen to the information from its previously bound transmitter and ignores everything else. With over 4.2 billion GUID codes, the chances of having a interference from another transmitter is virtually impossible.

It is usually only necessary to bind the receiver once. The only time it'll be necessary to re-bind is if you wish to use a different transmitter, or you want to change failsafe positions (see next section.)
How tough is it to bind? Not very. Just….

1) Put the bind plug into the BAT port of the receiver
2) Power up the receiver
3) Press and hold the bind button on the back of the Tx while turning on the transmitter.

That's it - nothing complex or mysterious.
How Each Receiver recognizes its transmitter:
Instead of using a bind button like the surface Spektrum receiver, the AR6000 actually uses a plug to put the receiver into the binding mode. Simply plug the jumper in, hold down the DX6’s bind button when you turn it on, and bingo, its setup. Things don’t get much simpler than this.

Even with electric park flyers it makes sense to have a low-throttle failsafe. Sure, they don't have much energy, but failsafe pre-set is just plain good safety. So the DX6 has Failsafe.
You can set any channel you wish, but normally we just put the throttle to low position during the binding process. All other channels go to the last commanded position.


Because DSM is a fully digital signal, you'll never have a glitch. That alone will make it worth its weight in gold to any flier using sub-standard FM equipment.

But several of our testers said they felt more "locked in" to the airplane than ever before. The crisp response delivered a feeling unlike the systems they were used to flying.

There's only one way to find out - prove it to yourself!


You've probably heard of the familiar form of Spread Spectrum called "Frequency Hopping." This form uses a system that has the signal transmitting on one of the 80 available frequencies for just a few milliseconds, then hopping to another channel, and so forth. This is all done randomly and so fast that it won't' affect other "hopping" systems, nor direct sequence.

Our system, over five years in development, started out using a frequency hopping system. But the limitations of this format in regards to robustness of the link and slow speed sent our designers into the Direct Sequence side. Whereas frequency hopping is "old technology," the newer Direct Sequencing offers a much more robust RF link, faster speeds - yet it is exponentially more difficult to program. And it's the programming where all the magic is. Understanding what to do with hardware is the "secret" to DSM Spread Spectrum technology.

With Spektrum's surface systems, vehicles operate on a relatively fixed surface, so antenna orientation is relative fixed. With the vehicle's antenna pointed toward the sky, there's little chance of having what's called "fade" orientation of the antennas, which causes reduced range. In fact, this situation is very much like our current 72MHz systems. As you probably know, when you point your transmitter antenna directly at the model, the transmitter's output suffers. It's a similar concept with 2.4GHz.

The problem is that when an airplane flies and does aerobatic maneuvers, the receiver's antenna orientation changes, occasionally orienting the antenna in a sub-optimal position.

To address this issue, our engineers developed a system called DuaLink. It's a system so unique, we have a patent pending for it (along with the complete DSM system, too.)
With DuaLink, the transmitter randomly selects two frequencies from the band, and transmits the same information on both simultaneously. The AR6000 receiver actually contains two complete receivers with individual antennas. Since the receiver is mobile, the path (a technical term for the relationship between the position of the transmitter antenna relative to the receiving antenna) is constantly changing. Even if one path (or frequency, for that matter) is lost for one frame instant, the other will be perfectly connected to the transmitter. So it is truly a redundant system - in multiple ways - frequency, path and time.

Because there are two antennas with different positions, if in the unlikely event a frame is dropped (loss of sgnal for more than 15ms), the other receiver is already on-line. Result: No interruption in signal. No dropouts. No problems. Just a strong, solid link. That's what DSM DuaLink is all about.


Another convenient aspect of Spektrum's DX6 is that while it's all-new technology, it doesn't require any special knowledge or talent to operate. Just turn your transmitter on - in an instant the output light comes on. Then you turn on your model. In an instant you have a direct, solid, secure link. There's nothing to fiddle with. Fact is, it's a lot simpler.

And the DSM system is compatible with all servos, speed controls and gyros you currently own.
Even the range testing is easier. All you have to do is depress the button on the rear of the transmitter (thus reducing the transmitter's output) and check to make sure you have operation 30 paces away. That's it.
The DX6 comes ready-to-use. It comes fully "bound" - that is to say, the receiver recognizes the transmitter, and only that transmitter (see the GUID portion above). When you need to change the Failsafe position (binding the receiver to the transmitter stores the FailSafe position) then you'll need to re-bind.


For the first time, range is not an issue for parkflyers. Our testing shows that the AR6000 outperforms any competitor in its class. So what's the exact range? More than enough - just like our current 72MHz systems (for example: What's the range of the 10-channel systems guiding our advanced and pro-class models? More than enough. Same idea with the DX6.)

So while the AR6000's superior range may tempt its use in "regular" sport aircraft, please don't do it. Use the DX6 for park-flyers only. It will provide a very safe, satisfying experience for your parkies.


Parkflyers are generally the most fun when they're flown close in. Sport and pro-class airplanes, usually much faster, are flown farther out - except for landing.

With centralized frequency control, and flight rules that put all airplanes in the same area, it's a bit challenging when we have park-flyers occupying space right on the runway, while sport planes do high speed passes down the edge of the runway.

The DX6 gives us a chance to re-think all that.

Now, with 2.4GHz, your club might consider establishing a second flight area FOR SPREAD SPECTRUM USE ONLY to avoid any frequency conflicts. Depending on your field set up, you might put parkies off to one side, freeing up the main runway for the nitro and bigger electric guys.


Once you've tried the DX6 and personally experience its solid, reliable RF link, it'll be clear that recommending it to new park fliers might be in everyone's best interest.

With the DX6, no matter where they fly, whether it's in town, or in the house at the end of your club field's entrance, they won't affect your current 72 MHz aircraft. It's a perfect solution to increase safety not only of park flying, but of our current 72Mhz aircraft as well.


Horizon staffers put this system through grueling tests. Designs were changed, modified, improved. For months these fellows continued to make the RF link better and better until we had something that was bullet-proof. Then we went out to fellows in different parts of the country. When these fellows came back with all smiles and total thumbs up, we knew we were good to go.


Oftentimes, when it comes to purchasing new technology, you're faced with buying from a company you've never heard of. Not so here. Spektrum may be a new brand, but the Spektrum brand is in the Horizon family of brands - right along with JR, Saito, Hangar 9, HobbyZone, E-Flite and more.
Hopefully you're familiar with our ways - if something isn't right, we're going to go through hoops to make it so.

The system carries a one-year warranty, too.

Spec623  Spec624


Digital DSM ™ Spread Spectrum Modulation
10-Model Memory
Four Digital Trims with auto memory
Ni-cd Tx pack and charger
Transmitter Low Battery Alarm
Trainer System compatible with Spektrum ™ and JR® Radio Systems
Adjustable Stick Length
Direct Trim Access Display
Two-Speed Scrolling

Dual Rates on Aileron and Elevator
Exponential Rates on Aileron and Elevator
Dual/Exponential Rates can be combined on one switch
Switch Assignable Functions
Travel Adjustment
Throttle Trim affects low position only
Digital battery voltage meter
Servo Reversing
Throttle Cut System
Data Reset Function
Model Naming Function
Throttle-Smart Failsafe System


3 Programmable Mixes
Elevator-to-Flap Mix
Flap-Elevator Offset Trim Mix
Aileron Differential
Aileron-to-Rudder Mix
Flapperon Mix
V-Tail Mix
Delta Mix

Two Flight modes (Rates, Curves, Gyro)
CCPM Mixing
One Programmable Mix
Throttle Hold Switch
3-Point Pitch Curve
3-Point Throttle Curve
Gyro Gain Switch
Revolution Mix