First Ride to Whistler Peak - 10/08/06

Out over the 'boneyard'
of the bike park

Looking back down at the village, Green Lake in background and smaller Lost Lake just to the right.

The top of Garbanzo Express chairlift (very top of bike park trails) is just visible right at end of clearing.

Some happy chappies
on the way to the Roundhouse Resturaunt (which isn't round, to Claire's dismay).

One of them
is an imposter..

A black bear
and a Claire-bear.

Funny how these huge unpreditcable carnivores are depicted to be so friendly and cute...

The crazy Peak Chair. If you look closely you can see it cruising up over the rocks to the peak of Whistler. It comes complete with a warning sign stating 'This chairlift is not for the faint-hearted'.

They were'nt wrong...

...this chair could do with some seatbelts!

The scenery isn't enough to distract some from their near death experience on the peak chair.

At the top with solid ground beneath the feet is though.

Chillin at the peak with the Olympic Mascot

360 degree views like this. Arrrsome! Lakes from left to right: Alpha, Nita and Alta.

Don't see what all the
fuss is about!

No idea... But ain't it pretty?

Big tusk, little rock

And back down the crazy peak chair...
* Although these pictures end abruptly, the website administrators would like to advise that no people were harmed in the procurement of these images.