Joffre Lakes Hike - 28/09/06

So beautiful the first time, we just had to come back for a day to explore all three lakes...

Having enjoyed that glacier
view, we make tracks to the
other lakes we hadn't yet seen.

Stream exiting the
lowest lake.

A very cute (and genuine) chipmunk evaded the camera so Claire steps in for the cause.

...and we decide to return
to more traditional subject
matter after that!

Like pretty streams.

On a bridge over
said stream.

Steve admiring the 'tree snot', aka: 'old man's beard', aka: 'lichen'.

A camera duel gets in the way of otherwise pleasant scenery.

We were treated to some beautiful autumn colours.

And a beautiful sunny day.

Sounding the bear alarm again?

Suddenly we arrive at the second lake.

You wouldn't believe the water colour could get any more brilliant after the first lake!

This calls for a
luvyduvy moment.

Very tempting...

Those with tendencies towards clumsiness probably shouldn't be tempted though.

I spy with a wooden eye...

Nice patterns.

Nice water.

Some very friendly Whiskey Jacks discovered we had food before too long.

And completely forgot their table manners!

Two cuties : )

Too ticklish for some.

Keeping scoffing our food like that and you won't be flying for long guys!

Clearly taking heed of the warning.

Ooops - its seems the onus
was on us. Mental note made
to read all signs in future

This one's for you Nhung!

Having ignored signs, overfed the wildlife and enjoyed the views we move on towards the last lake.

Holy moly that's a big bonsai!

Some time later...

with Whiskey Jacks still in tow, the last lake comes into view.

More beautiful
autumn colours.

Steve admires Matier Glacier from the shadows.

Dude! Does it look,
like I'm dressed to
climb a glacier!

He's still considering it even with a clearer view of what it'd entail...

A stream from nearby Tszil Glacier joins the upper lake.

Looks inviting but after getting our hands wet filling water bottles, we opted to let our shadows take a dip.

Some familiar scenery!

On the way back down now, past a pretty little cove on the upper lake.

And some more pretty
colours again.

Joffre Peak (2721m) with Matier Glacier to the left.

A departing view across the upper lake (from that pretty little cove), at Matier Glacier.