Drive to Big White - 1000km in a day

So Canadian...

Joffre Lakes. If I was a
releigous man...

Ain't it serene?

Well, not too serene.

Aint it pretty...?

Ain't she pretty...?

Joffre Lakes, walking out

It's been said that if you only
do one drive in Canada, make
it this one.

Driving along...

Ain't that a lovely bit
of road?

Seton Lake

Kamloops Lake


Big White!

Chairlift halfway up the
access road at Big White

The singing Marmot that gave
Whistler its name. Though this
one's at Big White.

Homeward bound.

Still driving...

Still homeward bound...

I see the sign...

It's a big place, alright?!

Boredom sets in...

And hunger.

And boredom and hunger

Apparently these don't need comments...

I'd tend to agree.

I can only assume this is
payback for certain photo

I think we'll have to talk
about this one...

Easily the worlds largest
sunflower. About 7' tall.