An Expos​é...

of Old Artworks

A collection of pencil artwork pieces executed during the 1970's, after high school and going into university.

Goalkeeper in Trouble

British soccer.  A goalkeeper fully engrossed in the play whilst unknowingly leaking blood after an altercation!

Mysterious Moonlight

Dan Dare and Eagle comics - A "Heros the Spartan" scene with moonlight over a creepy stump.  These comics date back to 1965 when David and I were at Chancellor Junior school, Umtali, Rhodesia.  Aunty Jill (Newmarch) gave David and I a year's subscription to this comic series.  I still have them all in a suitcase upstairs!

College House year 2 (1974) Formal Theme

The theme was "Monsters" and my sketches filled the bill!
A group of us arty types reproduced these monsters on the walls of the dining hall in 2m colour!


Walter Geech looked nothing like this!  He was a very bright, gregarious leprechaun who could play a mean ad-lib piano.

Split Personality

This monster doesn't know if he is coming or going....